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Thursday, July 29

Next Summer

Isn’t it loads of fun to think about what you’re going to do next summer even though the current one isn’t over yet? I think so, as it all brings the summers a little closer together.

Next summer, I’m hoping to go to America with my mom. We have family in California that I would like to meet, and even though I kind of want to go to New York and Boston because I have friends there, that is going to have to wait a while. It’s a real pity that America is so big. You have to catch a plane to get anywhere. It’s about time someone invents teleportation. They can do it in the movies, why not in real life?

One thing that I do hope to see whilst I’m there, other than family of course, is Disneyland. I’m a major Disney geek. I’ve seen Disneyland Paris, but it might be nice to have some more internationally oriented people around instead of just the French. I don’t feel quite as comfortable talking French as I do talking English.

Kind of sad I guess, that the first thing I think about when going to California is Disney. Like there isn’t anything else around. Have any of you been anywhere in Cali, or are you from Cali? If so, then what should I go see next summer?

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Anonymous said...

im don that now....planning next i thought it was only summer i would love to go over seas...but im stuck in the USA this cool though


Unknown said...

Hey phil. Thanks for your comment!

Marlene said...

I always look forward to summer too. Especially because it's time to go somewhere far, like you. :-)

Unknown said...


Yu said...

I love california! Its such a chilled out part of the states. The couple times I've been there I just enjoyed the beaches and the surrounding area with my friends.

I love thinking about next summer too :) Its not even the fact that its going to happen, I just love imagining what fun things there are to do. I'm hoping to go to europe next year to climb mount blanc while I intern there. cool.

pi toronto said...

HEHE! Teleportation is a perfect thing when you wanna visit lots of places in a short period of time:))) by the way as for my plans when I`m planning something beforehand it never happens then.

Unknown said...

To be totally honest, most of my plans don't happen either, which is why most of my trips are planned on short notice and impulse. However, I'm sure I can't plan a trip to the US on impulse.

family law Toronto said...

teleportation? let's get back to real things:) and we'll be to allocate our time right

bbq caterers Toronto said...

oh girls
we are discussing the unnecessary things sometimes) and on the other hand, each resting in their own way:)